Mason Mason Mason Mason

Reflections on the "Yoga for Black Men" Workshop

I had the privilege of facilitating Noir Yoga’s first "Yoga for Black Men" workshop, an experience that reminded me why I opened this space in the first place.

On Saturday, September 14th, I had the privilege of facilitating Noir Yoga’s first "Yoga for Black Men" workshop, an experience that reminded me why I opened this space in the first place. Over the course of two hours, we journeyed together through journaling, breathwork, meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and sound therapy. These practices came together to create a deeply intentional space for Black men to focus on healing, reflection, and self-discovery.

The energy in the room was palpable from the moment we began. There was a sense of camaraderie, even among those who had never met before. I watched as participants used journaling to release and process their thoughts—often heavy ones that rarely find space in everyday life. Breathwork allowed everyone to ground themselves in the present moment, a much-needed reset from the constant hustle that often surrounds us.

Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness were key components of our time together, offering moments of quiet strength and connection to our bodies. By the time we moved into sound therapy, I could feel that the group was fully immersed, letting go of the outside world and embracing this moment of communal healing.

As I reflect on this workshop, I am left with a full heart and a clear mind. This was exactly the kind of gathering I envisioned when I dreamed of Noir Yoga—a place for Black men to come together, heal, and grow in an environment that centers their experiences. I truly believe that spaces like this are not just important, but essential for our well-being.

Looking ahead, I’m excited to announce that I’ll be hosting these workshops quarterly, with the next one scheduled for January 2025. I hope to continue building on the energy we created and provide more opportunities for connection, healing, and transformation.

If you missed this session, I encourage you to join us next time. Together, we are cultivating something special, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

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