yoga, journey, practice Mason Mason yoga, journey, practice Mason Mason

How to Start Your Yoga Journey

Whether you're curious about yoga's physical benefits, seeking mental clarity, or looking to deepen your spiritual practice, the path begins with a single breath.

Embarking on a yoga journey is a powerful step towards self-discovery, healing, and transformation. Whether you're curious about yoga's physical benefits, seeking mental clarity, or looking to deepen your spiritual practice, the path begins with a single breath. At Noir Yoga, we understand that starting something new, especially something as personal as yoga, can feel daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. We’re here to guide you through every stretch, breath, and moment of stillness, offering a welcoming space tailored to the unique experiences of our Black community.

1. Begin with an Open Mind

One of the first and most important steps in starting your yoga journey is to approach it with an open mind. Yoga is not just about flexibility or physical postures; it’s a holistic practice that integrates the mind, body, and spirit. Allow yourself to be open to new experiences, new sensations in your body, and new ways of thinking. Remember, yoga is a journey, not a destination.

2. Start Where You Are

There’s no need to be flexible, fit, or even calm before you begin yoga. Start exactly where you are. Whether you’re dealing with stress, tension, or simply looking for a way to move your body, yoga meets you where you are. At Noir Yoga, we offer a variety of classes, including our upcoming Noir Beginnings, designed for those who are new to yoga. This class focuses on the basics and foundations of yoga, making it the perfect starting point for beginners.

3. Embrace the Breath

In yoga, breath is everything. It connects the body and mind, anchors you in the present moment, and fuels your practice. As you begin your yoga journey, focus on learning how to breathe deeply and mindfully. This simple practice can have profound effects on your overall well-being, reducing stress and increasing mental clarity. At Noir Yoga, our Noir Breath class is specifically designed to help you master breathing techniques that can transform your practice and your life.

4. Find a Community

Yoga is a personal practice, but it’s also a communal experience. Finding a supportive community can enhance your yoga journey, providing encouragement, inspiration, and a sense of belonging. At Noir Yoga, we’re more than just a studio—we’re a community. A place where you can connect with others who share your values and experiences, particularly within the Black community. Our space is dedicated to celebrating Black culture and fostering an environment of healing and growth.

5. Commit to Consistency

Yoga is a practice, and like any practice, it requires consistency. You don’t need to practice every day, but committing to a regular schedule will help you see progress and deepen your understanding of yoga. Start with one or two classes a week, and gradually increase as you become more comfortable. At Noir Yoga, our schedule is designed to offer flexibility, so you can find classes that fit into your life.

6. Be Patient with Yourself

Yoga is a journey that unfolds over time. It’s important to be patient with yourself and honor your body’s limitations. Progress in yoga is not measured by how quickly you can achieve a pose, but by how present and mindful you are in your practice. At Noir Yoga, our instructors are here to support you, offering modifications and encouragement as you grow in your practice.

7. Stay Grounded in the Practice

As you continue your yoga journey, remember to stay grounded in the practice itself. Yoga is about more than the physical postures; it’s about cultivating awareness, compassion, and connection—both to yourself and to others. At Noir Yoga, we integrate these principles into every class, ensuring that your practice is not only physical but also spiritual and emotional.

Start Your Journey at Noir Yoga

There’s no better time to start your yoga journey than now. At Noir Yoga, we’ve created a space where you can explore yoga at your own pace, surrounded by a supportive community that understands your unique experiences. Whether you’re completely new to yoga or looking to deepen your practice, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Visit us at Noir Yoga, located at 109 Ralph Avenue in Bedford-Stuyvesant, and take that first step on your journey. Your mat is waiting for you.

We can’t wait to see you in the studio!

Peace and blessing,


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yoga, conference Mason Mason yoga, conference Mason Mason

Reflections on the 2024 Black Yoga Teacher Alliance Conference

I had the privilege of attending the 2024 Black Yoga Teacher Alliance (BYTA) Conference at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

From August 22 through August 25, I had the privilege of attending the 2024 Black Yoga Teacher Alliance (BYTA) Conference at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. It was an inspiring and transformative experience, surrounded by over 80 Black yoga teachers from across the United States. This gathering not only deepened my practice but also reaffirmed the importance of the work we do as Black yoga practitioners and educators.

One of the highlights of the conference was the opportunity to honor Dr. Gail Parker, former BYTA Board President. Dr. Parker’s contributions to the yoga community, particularly in advocating for the inclusion and recognition of Black voices, have been monumental. Seeing her recognized for her many years of service was a powerful reminder of the impact one individual can have in shaping a more inclusive and compassionate yoga community.

The sessions I attended were both insightful and thought-provoking. "Making Liberation & Freedom Happen in Music, Meditation, Movement & Life" explored how we can integrate these elements into our practices and our lives, creating spaces of healing and empowerment. The session "Yoga in the Black Community: Healing Practices and Principles" resonated deeply with me, as it emphasized the unique needs and experiences of our community, offering practices rooted in our cultural heritage to support our healing journeys.

Another session that stood out was "Your Yoga Teacher is not Your Therapist." This discussion was crucial in clarifying the boundaries between yoga instruction and therapy, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the distinct roles that yoga teachers and therapists play in supporting mental and emotional well-being.

Beyond the sessions, the conference offered opportunities for reflection and connection through sunrise yoga each morning and a meditation hike. These experiences, coupled with the serene beauty of the Stockbridge Bowl, the local lake, provided a perfect backdrop for contemplation and renewal.

Attending this conference was a reminder of the power of community and the importance of spaces like BYTA that center Black experiences in yoga. As I return to Noir Yoga, I carry with me the lessons, insights, and energy from this incredible gathering, eager to continue fostering a space where liberation, healing, and inclusivity are at the heart of our practice.


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Say Namaste To Noir Yoga, Bed-Stuy's New Black-Owned Yoga Studio

Noir Yoga opened this month on Ralph Avenue in Bed-Stuy.

Noir Yoga opened this month on Ralph Avenue in Bed-Stuy.

[This story first appeared on on August 29, 2024, and was written by Local Editor, Miranda Levingston.]

BED-STUY, NY — Bed-Stuy local Mason Mason has been practicing yoga for 20 years, and he has almost always been the only Black man in his classes, he told Patch.

That's why he opened Noir Yoga, his own yoga studio, this month on Ralph Avenue in Bed-Stuy.

His studio, which opened on Aug. 1, prioritizes diversity and making yoga accessible to everyone.

In service of this mission, Noir Yoga has classes for all different skill levels and price points, even "pay-what-you-wish" classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Soon, he said he plans to add a hip-hop yoga fusion class, a heated class and a breathwork class.

"I want people to know that this space is for everyone, for all body types, for all gender expressions, for all sexualities, and for all ethnicities and races," Mason told Patch. "We truly are inclusive. Our staff represents that, and this community represents that."

Many studios claim to be inclusive, but Mason said he's noticed that the demographics of the teachers and clientele often tell a different story.

When it comes to Noir Yoga, he is walking the walk — he has a workshop called "Yoga for Black Men" coming up in a few weeks, and most of his teachers are people of color.

Though he's been practicing yoga for most of his life, he said he never thought he would open his own studio.

Mason has a PhD in education and has taught schoolchildren for many years. Now, by day, he works in big tech in addition to running Noir Yoga.

"About two years ago, I was just going to these different studios and trying to find a yoga community I could connect with, and I wasn't really able to find it," Mason said. "Then I started to think seriously, What if I created the community I wanted to see?"

His professional background has helped him create a thriving studio, he said.

He's in talks with a local preschool to bring his yoga classes to the youngest Brooklynites, and the studio is outfitted with high-tech touches like iPads, a mobile app and top-of-the-line speakers.

"I'm kind of building the plane as I'm flying it," he said. "But I love it."

Noir Yoga is located at 109 Ralph Avenue in Bed-Stuy.

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